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Wing brake and pendulum brake which is better?

Release date:2015-07-22 09:38:28

Wing wing brake and brake machine set door brake machine set brake principle basic same, namely motor drives the rotating, rely on the photoelectric detection. The difference is:


1, traffic speed: wing door brake machine door page action range is small, large range of swing door brake machine door page action, therefore, wing door brake machine protection area is small, quick; The swing gate protection area is large, slow some.


2, security: door lock authority prone to pat or clamping phenomenon. Swing door brake machine door is page, contact area is big, customers have anticipation, so pat force is not big; Wing door brake machine door is page on both sides of the body "cut", is not easy, and the contact area is small, the shear force is big, easy to hurt. So the wing door brake machine safety as swing doors brake machine is high.


3, mechanical strength: door brake machine strength weakness lies in the doorway pages. Wing the door of the gate page strength and installation set brake.


4, installation space: swing doors brake machine standard width is 600 mm (can modify the size), wing gate width is 260 mm.